Seeking Understanding – But No Available Answers
Often, we don’t understand why we do what we do.
We try this treatment or that kind of therapy, but nothing makes a lasting dent. Like a spring, you go back to ground zero.
That’s when we need to look beyond the behavior, the emotions, etc.
We need to get physical and go into training. We need to look at our brains.
Retrain Your Brain
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive treatment (meaning it doesn’t hurt) that looks at your current brain wave patterns.
We look at how your brain currently functions and how it responds to the world. We call it a brain map.
With this map, your therapist sets up a therapy schedule, most likely 2-3 times a week. During these sessions, through the help of neurofeedback technology, your brain develops new habits of responding to the world around it.
Your brain learns how to be more effective! These healthier forms of brain activity take time to become a habit, as you retrain your brain. But they are well worth the effort.
Your brain learns a new way of responding.
Rather than the typical anxiety, lack of focus, or fight/flight response, your brain learned that it forms better communication patterns within itself through Neurofeedback.
Your brain no longer needs to respond in significant ways, thus improving your ability to self-regulate your emotions, focus, and do other things you may struggle to do!
In our book – That’s a significant win!
Let’s work on retraining your brain.
Neurofeedback provides symptom reduction for disorders, such as ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, and Learning Disorders, and PTSD.
Call and ask for a Neurofeedback appointment today!