Kids/Teens Therapy

“I feel like a failure as a parent. Where did I go wrong?”


Our children are our pride and joy.

Their first words, their first steps, are so precious! But, suddenly, that cute little toddler is no longer cute, and their behavior is not little!

Now they’re seriously struggling in school, and in life! They’re searching to find out who they are, and not in constructive ways.

Yet they won’t let you in.

And you clash!

It’s so exhausting and frustrating.

Why won’t they just listen and learn from your experience? Deep down, you just want to help them.

With some kids, when things don’t go their way, their system gets overwhelmed and their reactions get big and destructive! It can be scary – unpredictable and uncontrollable. What’s going on?

Others withdraw within themselves – too scared, sad, or distrustful to do more than escape into whatever screen or addictive outlet they can find to feel a connection. And it feels like they’re slipping away.

You try everything! But it’s not working.

You don’t know what to do or how to help them, and so you do what you’ve always done. Then… when that gets nowhere, you try new ideas suggested by friends, the Internet, etc.

You feel stuck – and you don’t understand your own child! And since they don’t like being misunderstood either, more conflict and struggle ensued.

We can help!

Enter East Valley Family Therapy. Here our child therapists help you understand what’s going on in your child’s brain and with their emotions. They help you see and understand your child differently.

And you have this new feeling. It feels like hope!

With our therapists on your team, you now can give your child a space where they can understand themselves differently and learn ways to work through the tough stuff in a better way.

The reward can be huge!

As you help them get the help they need, you draw closer together. And as your child finds healing, so do you!