Couples Therapy

“I don’t even know why we’re together anymore.”


Life together was so good when you started out

Now… it’s different. There’re too many fights and tension… or worse – lonely, cold silence.

So, what happened? Life, most likely, but not the one you imagined.

Your connection can feel so good. But then one of you gets triggered, sometimes over the smallest thing! And… just like that… you’re back to your “new normal” of withdrawing behind your protective barriers, so you don’t hurt each other and don’t get hurt yourself.

This sad dance hurts so much because it matters so much!

Feeling Stuck

Most of us feel lost as to what to do. So we push on, hoping that as we get busy, things will get better.

But this approach doesn’t work. A relationship without secure attachment isn’t much of a relationship at all. And too many couples do nothing… and just let their love fizzle out.

The hard-knocks and personal baggage you each carry can become too much, and it may be tempting to look elsewhere for that comfort and connection you long for.

You may stay together…

…but you become more like roommates than lovers. Your children and extended family feel the tension and the hurt, even through your fake smiles and reassurances.

Kids are especially sensitive to their parents’ distress and often will take the blame and the burden on themselves!

No child deserves that. Yet, it is much too common. You may have been that child yourself growing up.

And you know, deep down, if your marriage disintegrates, your family is not far behind.

Your Relationship Is Worth Fighting For

This relationship is the reason for all you do. And it’s worth everything you have and are… and a little extra help.

Our relationship experts here at East Valley Family Therapy know how to work with you through the raw, hard ins-and-outs. We’re here to help you both rediscover why you started this journey together in the first place!

Your relationship is not too far gone. It can turn around. And it will get better!

We Can Help You

Connect with us here at EVFT, and let us help you slow down the hurt so that we can help the healing and connecting process speed up!